Feminism; Opinions and Views

A lot has happened since the advent of the feminist world. I feel the need to make some clarifications/ submissions;

  • There are lots of misconceptions about feminism. According to the Oxford dictionary, feminism is: a social movement arguing that legal and social restrictions on females should be removed in order to bring about equality of both sexes in all aspects of public and private life.

I don’t know if you heard about honor killings – I can’t go into details now read about it on your own. My own kind of feminism wants to make sure stuff like this doesn’t happen again (you know equal rights for all, don’t force women into roles they don’t want bla bla bla) and that if it happens, that the perpetrators don’t go unpunished. I don’t attack men except they attack women first :D

  • Also, people think feminism is born out hatred for the male folk I think not. I think it’s born out of a need to make the society better and to make life bearable for fellow human beings. I for one luv cute guys , for example: Alex Ekubo; Ik; Clement etc
  • Some people also like to say God is gender biased I think not. I will like to believe that God did not set us in this world to dehumanize one another like this. I am not open to argument on this one.
