Oh teacher! Oh master!

I can't believe IT is almost over; four months gone just like that and I haven't carried out all the crazy stuff I had reserved for this period not to mention all the places I had in mind to visit. I'm hoping for an extension, two weeks will do; even if it's just to complete my project. I don't even want to think about going back to school: the boring lectures, the early morning classes, tests and exams (the bane of all students)
I remember a poem I wrote in one of those boring lectures. The lecturer just kept going on and on; I thought I would go crazy so I decided to take my mind of his boring, monotonous drone by writing........ Lemme check for it ......... ................. ............. ............
Found it! Here it is...... Enjoy!
Oh teacher! Oh master!
Why do you break our backs with your undeniable jargon?
Breaking our heads with literature pomp and flair that add no value to our lives
How you bore us with your long speeches and boring lectures
Oh how you snuff out the light in our eyes with your stiff stare and rigid posture
Oh that my ears were filled with cotton wax that I might block out your boring monotone
Oh that my ears could be sealed with cement wax till the moment you stop your boring monotonous lecture
Oh how I wish that it were that easy to block out your mumbo jumbo
Alas! Your words are sharp and unstoppable! Piercing through my skull to my medulla oblongata
You finally succeed in luring me to sleep
Your monotonous drone a sweet sounding lullaby in my ears
Now, I’m half asleep and writing this tribute to you.

Oh teacher! Oh master!
By the way, I'll miss these campaign adverts (seeing as all campaigns end today) especially the shokiable ones. That being said, let me go and compile my list of most ingenious adverts for the 2015 elections. See ya 
