Of New Beginnings and Others

Having been sternly advised by friends not to express any strong opinions here for fear of boring my readers with my not-so-funny posts and for fear of chasing you away with my stern stance on some issues; I find myself in a very restricted position as this implies that topics that have to do with feminism, human rights and the likes are off limits. Religion of course is a no go area seeing as it has become such a touchy issue; so much so that some students had to take the law into their hands in defence of their God and this same set of students expressly stated in a widely circulated publication that they have zero tolerance for any instance that undermines their God; forgetting that this is a civilized world where phrases such as freedom of speech and human rights (crimes) are taken seriously
            There I go again talking about obviously touchy and dangerous issues. Since I still value the presence of my head on my neck, I will try as much as possible to stay away from potentially murderous issues. That been said . . . . . in the absence of touchy topics to discuss, I am sorely tempted to post some previously published articles (essays or whatever they’re called these days) but as my superstitious friends would say “you don’t put new wine into old wineskin(s)” I cannot do that either.
            Seems I have to really make this a fresh start so in the name of Kitan the daughter of the most high God and in the spirit of a fresh start for my country Nigeria I commission this fresh start and promise not to bore you

P.S: Hope nobody is offended by my reference to myself as the daughter of the most high God if anyone is offended, feel free to keep calm because like I said, it’s a civilized world out here
